  • North American Outlook

    August 06, 2024 | 16:42

    Let the (Easing) Games Begin

    profile photo of Sal Guatieri

    Sal Guatieri

    Senior Economist and Director

    Sal Guatieri is a Senior Economist and Director at BMO Capital Markets, with over two decades experience as a ma... (Read more)

    profile photo of Sal Guatieri

    Sal Guatieri

    Senior Economist and Director

    Sal Guatieri is a Senior Economist and Director at BMO Capital Markets, with over two decades experience as a ma... (Read more)

    Key Summary
    • The Fed will soon join the Bank of Canada in easing policy and both will likely move more forcefully than previously expected as rising joblessness supplants high inflation as the bête noire

    • Lower interest rates should revive economic growth moderately next year

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