  • North American Outlook

    November 09, 2020 | 13:23

    Uncertainty Rules

    profile photo of Sal Guatieri

    Sal Guatieri

    Director and Senior Economist

    Sal Guatieri is a Senior Economist and Director at BMO Capital Markets, with over two decades experience as a ma... (Read more)

    profile photo of Sal Guatieri

    Sal Guatieri

    Director and Senior Economist

    Sal Guatieri is a Senior Economist and Director at BMO Capital Markets, with over two decades experience as a ma... (Read more)

    Key Summary

    The U.S. election outcome may not alter our outlook if it results in a split Congress and moderate fiscal relief bill, though surging virus caseloads very well could.

    Apart from several hard-hit services industries that remain in distress, the U.S. and Canadian economies are coping better with the virus than many analysts expected, largely because of massive policy support.

    But record daily infections have led to targeted restrictions in some regions, resulting in a moderate downward revision to our Canadian growth outlook. A possible return to broader shutdowns remains the biggest threat to the recovery.

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